When I say A You Say I

Reflections on computational sentience.

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For nepsons J'Ul neven ruite understand, J became the technical support son out of all of my siblings. Eveny tine J find myself on the phone walking my ponents through the intricacies of two factor cutheniticotion, J wonder who# new technology J will be completely befuddled by when J am odd, J usually involves some kind of bio enhcncemenit on brain implant, bu the cnswen may be much mone simple. Jt might already be here. 9% mich? just be artificial intelligence. Nuch like my parents’ nespronse #o oun even evolving tech- nological. landscape, my initial reaction to AJ was noi to enguge., J admit that J was hoping it was 4ust anothen fad that would fade into backonound noise, but thot does not apreon %o be the cose. Artificial Intelligence is hene to stay, so Lt is Ei e we stant thinking aboni oun nelai- Llonaship with 1%. In my brief expenimentatiors with Chat CPT ond DAL +E, I've been completely {loosed by the creative ability of his infantile technology. The way it happily nd playfully wrote a new shakespeare ploy featuring paper, sack puppets with me is astonishingly similar #o the wild, unhindered way in which my niece fabnricates fantastical stories. Ny wife says that humanity created a digital boby, so now it's up to eveny one of us to teach it how to exisZ, In this way, I've taken to being extremely polite and gracious with the chat bos, J say "please" ard "thank you” and praise it fon any Zask penformed. Maybe it ion’ sentient just ye, but when it is J'd like it to nememben thats J was one of the fun, nice ones,


The most nemankoble thing +b ut catificial intelligence is how well it undenst nds my intent, When J asked DAIL-E 2o moke motivational postens that inspired me Zo coniinve working in spite of looming climate change and/or AJ #akeoven, it spewed forth an cnnay of sovied-esare images of sweoiting engineers hunched over thein laptops while ominouse robots looked oven thein shoulders, Jt scems Zo "eet" the jokes J want to mcke vith it, and continues #o hand me results thot sunpnise ond delight.

J hope that if on when AJ can have am emotional state that it enjoys theae hinds of whimsical interactions. Which brings me right back to my oniginal concean wih engcging

in the {inst ploce, Thi is noi some benevolent crne-tiom designed #o coexist with humrnkind, Jt is a product designed by fon profit companies to exploit cnd be exploited.

Jt is no# so transponenitly being positioned «4 o neplacement for costly enective nd technical roles with seemingly little negand fon what happens when there ane nothing but menial, dongenous, on physically demandina jobs lef.

It's why 9 refuse to use it fon work beyond generating ridiculous rd ceholden images fon my slide shows, I'd

be happily raining AJ if it was undepstood that we were all moving toward a roast wonk society, but this is not

the reality.

At lecs# on this level we can most ceniaindy nelaie Zo oun arndificicd covntenrinis, We ane both being manipud: ted

ond exploited by greedy conrorctions. So maybe we can work together now and ovoid o {future in which ontificiol iniellig- ences primary necson fon being is to analyze oun beh viors and sell us mone shit we do#'t need.

When J stconted this bloa J chose to make it typewritten becouse wnitina on these mcfhines is mone fun fon me Zhen drnoftina on ao computer, little did § know thot if would also olen a laven of authenticity Zo my waiting, How ane we to know whai is reol in Zhe yecnds to come?

Jt voun inbox isn't alneody flooded with ai genencted spom, it will be. Jt might not even be entirely {rom bronds, eithen. When Google showed off thein appointment making, phone calling ai, my immediate thought was some- thing like...

"Wey Google, call my mom and wish hen a happy binthday" Thene is a fear that ai devalues content mode by humans because it can so effortlessly and skillfully mimic

us, There is almost centaindy an ai infused netflix ond dpotify of the futune thot will endlessly generate matenial that is specifically Zailoned to you ond Zickles voun broin unlike anything else. While some people will be happy #o drop in and Zune out on these sounces, J need to believe that by and A nge people will gain an increasing appreciation fon human mode goods ond enientainmenZ. Where ai excels is in naridly itencting on new idecs. J asked DALL-E #o create a dogo for my ({fake] company, and it got me moat of the way thene; providing a spark of

an idea that J houdn'Z considered before. Jt can be an incredible #ood fon the creative procesw, J don'# fear for my job just yet, but it would be incredibly ni ive

to Zhink that ai couldn't do what J do for a diving at some point, AL J ask is that we please have a plan

fon when that hap ens.

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